在业界颇富盛名的建筑大奖WAN Awards 世界建筑新闻奖(World Architecture News Awards)于当地时间10月24日在伦敦肖迪奇法院酒店举行了2019年度颁奖晚宴。在全球众多优秀参赛作品中,间筑设计作品 「围龙屋」 成功入围 BEST OF THE BEST-后起之秀/年度最佳实践类项目。在全球提交的数千件作品中,仅4个项目入围该类别。

WAN Awards held the WIN WAN Live event at the Courthouse Hotel Shoreditch on Thursday 24 October local time.「THE HAKKA TRIANGLE HOUSE」designed by TEAM_BLDG has been shortlisted in category BEST OF THE BEST - RISING STAR / EMERGING PRACTICE OF THE YEAR. Only four of the thousands of entries submitted worldwide were shortlisted in this category. 

世界建筑新闻网大奖(World Architecture News Awards,简称WAN  Awards)是世界上最大的国际建筑奖项之一,成立于2005年,至今已成功举办10届。每年邀请国际顶尖专家担任评委,具有非常广的全球覆盖率(网页读者超过80万,年度浏览量超过500万,社交媒体粉丝超过70万),拥有健全的评审体系,为原创设计提供公平的竞争平台。

The World Architecture News Awards (WAN Awards) is one of the world's largest architectural awards. It was established in 2005 and has been successfully held for 10 sessions. Each year, the top international experts will be invited as judges. The award has a huge global influence (more than 800,000 page readers, more than 5 million page views per year, and more than 700,000 social media fans).With a sound judging system, it provides a fair competition platform for original design.