近日,《MODERN WEEKLY周末画报》在2023年第17期的文章《不息变动,朝夕焕新》中对间筑创始人,建筑师肖磊进行了专访。本期城市版内容为广州特辑,其通过对传统手工艺、当代建筑以及摄影等方面的探索,展现了这座城市在近些年里发展出的新老碰撞的混搭风貌。

Recently, the article The Tirelessly, Evolving City of the MODERN WEEKLY’s 17th 2023 issue conducted an exclusive interview with Xiao Lei, the founder of TEAM_BLDG, architect. This content of live is a feature about Guangzhou, it explores traditional craftsmanship, modern architecture and photography in order to show the appearance blend of old and new that the city has developed in recent years.

在此采访中,肖磊向《MODERN WEEKLY周末画报》介绍了间筑作品村城-万科五羊泊寓PORT的改造设计重点,如外立面的形态与材质、中庭的取舍与尺度等,同时也分享了自己对广州的解读。肖磊认为,广州这座城市具有一种温和而强大的包容力。建筑师设计的初衷亦是希望将这样的气质延续到改造后的建筑之中,为其中的居住者们创造出一份归属感。

In this interview, Xiao Lei introduced the key points of the renovation design of TEAM_BLDG’s work THE VILLAGE- VANKE WUYANG PORT to MODERN WEEKLY, such as the form and materials of facade, options and dimensions of atrium etc., he also shared his interpretation of Guangzhou. What impressed Xiao Lei was that Guangzhou has a peaceable but powerful tolerance. The original intention of the architect was to extend this spirit into the renovated building, creating a sense of belonging for its residents.